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January 2020

January 2020 Calendar

ROSS Article for Newsletter- Constance Harris

Constance Harris Make that job yours

The Resident Opportunity and Self-Sufficiency Program is pleased to recognize Constance Harris as the first program participant to be featured in the THA newsletter. Ms. Harris has been serious about moving forward and acting on her personal goals since her enrollment in the ROSS program in Sept. 2018. Ms. Harris was enrolled in Adult Education classes through Southern Crescent until she was encouraged to make the decision that she needed to focus on employment for the good of the household. She dived head first into job search mode, securing a temporary position at Standard Textile through Express Personnel. She was eligible for and utilized the Work Support Transportation program to provide transportation to and from work for the first 30 days of employment. When the assignment ended, Ms. Harris went back to Express Personnel and requested another assignment. Express Personnel placed her at Turkey Creek for another temporary assignment. Shortly, Standard Textile contacted Ms. Harris and offered her a permanent position at their plant. Ms. Harris is so excited that things are finally starting to look up for her. She has been a model for Standard Textile. When Ms. Harris was asked how she felt about her current situation, she said "It just feels good to have some money in my pocket and to be able to do some things for my family". Ms. Harris is not done yet; she still would like to continue her education and add more to her list of accomplishments!


Diva Thomaston

"It is with great pleasure that Thomaston Housing Authority extend a big congratulations to former THA resident Diva Thomaston on the purchase of her new home. Ms. Thomas was a wonderful resident during her tenancy with us. We celebrate her accomplishment and wish her well as she begins this new chapter in her life as a new homeowner.

Home sweet home

Census 2020

Happy New year THA residents. As we get ready for the year of 2020, we want to be thankful for the many blessings and opportunities that are and will be granted to each of us. One way we can help to ensure that resources continue to come into our communities is to participate in the 2020 Census count.

Once every decade the federal government conducts a census of the entire population to count everyone in the U.S. and record basic information about them. The CENSUS is much more than just a head count. It provides a snap shot of our nation that helps determine where to build new schools, hospitals and businesses; how federal funds for HOUSING and other programs are distributed; and how congressional seats are appointed. It also helps us see how our communities have changed over time. That's why accurate counts are so important.

Beginning January 2020, you will begin receiving your CENSUS packet in the mail. This is the first year that you will be able to go online to complete the form. The Thomaston Housing Authority is represented on the CCC (Census Community Committee) and will be available to assist you in completing and submitting your census form.

Now the THA wants to put a little fun in this process! Here goes...

Once you receive your form, you have options to:

  1. Take time to complete the form and mail it in. (Come by our office to claim your incentive)
  2. Contact the Resident Services Department of the THA to make an appointment for assistance in completing the CENSUS form online. Once you submitted the form, you may claim your incentive at the office; or
  3. Contact the CENSUS by phone and speak with the CENSUS representative who will complete the form for you with the information you provide. Once confirmation is received, contact the THA office to claim your incentive.
  4. (Incentives items will be given until all items are gone)

Know that strict federal laws protect all of your responses; and your privacy is protected by the law. The census bureau will never ask your social security number, bank or credit card account numbers, money or donations, or anything on behalf of a political party.

To make sure you and your community are counted, learn more about the 2020 Census by visiting the site at

Once you receive your CENSUS packet, let's get started!

Click here to download the Newsletter as a PDF.